I as TJ Morris ET Talk will share my editorial opinions and our fate as I read it into our future.
I am not a Bashar but I was channeling in 1985 thru 1993 when I went into my automatic writing.
I decided to share my life in the U.S. with OPM May 10, 1967 in the Houston Chronicle Newspaper with me as Ginger Thurmond going to Washington, D.C.
I returned to Tyson’s Corners, and traveled to Washington, D. C. again after 1989 on May 10, 1987.
Now, I know how my history of education inside the United States was including my training in uniform with the join Sea Air Mariner program. I was issued the U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, and U.S. Marine Uniforms and I was also a GS for learning office of personnel management files, and my personnel and information security certificates our of Waukegan, Illinois, and my Hospital Corpman certificates would be letting me learn so much about our government. I then went to Hawaii, Japan, and came back to the mainland to live and learn coast to coast as a commercial driver with hazardous material certificates of training to be a courier and government contractor. I went on military bases and got a new identification while in Florida to be a courier on and off base, and enjoyed my life. Now, I am retired.
I had a life meeting both President Reagan and President Bush in Houston, Texas, I met astronauts in Clear Lake, around NASA. I want to now tell my stories as I am a writer just like my mother.
So now we share the American Dream and the Golden Age. It is up to all to decide whether they will be glad to be in the USA or not? I personally am one who traveled around the world and would not want to live any other place!